Opening and Closing Procedures


Ensure a smooth opening and closing process on a daily basis. These step-by-step guides will help to set you and your team up for success and maximum productivity. An organized process and accountability system, ensuring you can enjoy your beauty rest!



Your guests are so excited and ready for their 9:00am appointment….are you? Only when we are prepared for our clients and ‘ready’ for them, do they feel confident in the service to come. With the help of our Opening Procedures you can make sure the day is starting on a positive note with an organized front desk team. What about closing? Don’t worry we got you…Our Closing Procedures give your front desk team a system to follow. These step-by-step guides and accountability practices ensure a smooth opening/closing for each and every shift..… no matter if you are there or not. Another dream you can make a reality!

Purchase Includes:

  • Downloadable template
  • Best practice walk-through/guide
  • Check-off worksheet
  • How-to guide for owner/manager